शब्द समर


भारतीय दंड संहिता के कॉपी राईट एक्ट (1957) के अंतर्गत सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार के पास सुरक्षित है|
चोरी पाए जाने पर दंडात्मक कारवाई की जाएगी|
अतः पाठक जन अनुरोध है कि बिना रचनाकार के अनुमति के रचना का उपयोग न करें, या करें, तो उसमें रचनाकार का नाम अवश्य दें|


I'm son of the Lord

O people!  
don't care about me

Because which lord gave me feet
He will provide me shoes also
To save from heat ...

Who gave me stomach
He'll give grain to fill that so much

I got eyes from where
Light will also come from there.

Pain is coming by which way
Relief will search its path and stay.

You can't take my responsibility
If god be unavailing, he'll feel guilty.

So you do cheer
I'm always happy here

Its saying 'विद्यार्थी'
You are unable always to help he.

I'm son of the Lord 
living around always God.

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