शब्द समर


भारतीय दंड संहिता के कॉपी राईट एक्ट (1957) के अंतर्गत सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार के पास सुरक्षित है|
चोरी पाए जाने पर दंडात्मक कारवाई की जाएगी|
अतः पाठक जन अनुरोध है कि बिना रचनाकार के अनुमति के रचना का उपयोग न करें, या करें, तो उसमें रचनाकार का नाम अवश्य दें|


Death, my friend

Oh my friends! I’ve finished my time.
Lived how much time I had gotten in my life line.
Don’t lament and don’t cry
You will see me in the sky.
My dear! Don’t be sad, don’t weep
I’m going on a sleep-
Sleep for a long time,
Sleep for always
Never watch, never wait on my ways.
I lived life so dark
There was neither any flame nor spark.
I’m going so far
Oh I’ll sleep so deep
Where there will not be any
Disturbance, no one to cry or weep
Oh I’m feeling so calm and at peace
Because time is coming for me with a kiss
I’m going to sleep
So deep, so deep, so deep...

Deep sleep, deep sleep...

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. Thanks a lot man for this fantastic poetry.I was thinking about your last wish to be vanished in the forest of the world to be the part of unknown and unseen. only imagined life after death, so called the last sleep.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. hy mitr aap ek achhy poet writer ar ek bhut achhe enshan hai vakiiiy.

    जवाब देंहटाएं